Spoiled little things they are…but we love our cats!
There are a lot of things you can do to ensure you have happy cats! I’ve had cats for almost 30 years now and I’ve picked up a thing or two. So if you are new to cats or just want some fresh insight, here are some of my kitty approved tips! (It’s true, they verified everything).
Feed Them a Healthy Diet
I believe for every creature on this planet, including us humans, health is the first key to a happy life. And for your pets, the easiest way to control this is what you feed them. Now there is a lot of debate over what the healthiest diet is for cats (grains vs no grain/raw/etc). I personally prepare homemade food for my cats and they love it and I love it. At first I thought it would be really overwhelming and expensive, but turns out it’s neither.
As far as cost, it’s actually costing less than the can food did (I did feed a top quality canned food). And it’s really very simple. We order the ground up meat and organs and then we prepare the recipe once every two weeks for three cats and freeze it all in containers. There is no bad cat food smell (really makes you wonder what is in those cans), no messy cans and garbage to deal with, and we know exactly what is going in there. And the cats love it!
There was a noticeable increase in my one cat’s playfulness a few weeks into the new diet. And it’s been about a year and no issues so I’m assuming this recipe covers all the bases. I don’t want to recommend any particular recipe at this time but I encourage you to do your research to make sure the recipe is comprehensive.
I understand some people may not want to get into homemade food, as it can be a bit overwhelming (although I urge you to check it out). But you should make an effort to feed your cat the highest quality food you can reasonably afford – homemade or not!
Take Care of Their Bodies and Health
Along with feeding a proper diet, you will need to care for their bodies in additional ways. Cats need brushing and grooming, more so if they are a longer hair breed. The FURminator has been great for my long haired cat. I also trim my cats’ nails and this one has been great! (please don’t declaw!)
It’s recommended to brush their teeth, but honestly I could just never get this to work. I provide a few toys that are meant to clean their teeth and feed them Greenies. I may get them cleaned by the vet eventually if needed, but so far their checkups have been great (I think the homemade food has a lot to do with it).
There are some other things you should do on a more sporadic basis. Take a look at their mouths and ears every so often to make sure nothing is wrong. Ear mites are common. Observe them going to the bathroom. I’ve had several male cats in the past develop urinary crystals which is an extremely painful condition and potentially deadly if it goes untreated. The only reason I noticed is because I observed them trying to pee frequently and for a long time each time. Watch to see if they start scratching a lot. This could indicate fleas or an allergy. Keep an eye on anything that changes behavior wise as it could be health related.
Provide Lots of Toys!
Of course your cat needs toys to play with. Even though mine go outside (more on that later) and get a lot of stimulation that way, they still like to play inside too. If you’re anything like me you’ll buy your cat toys all the time and most of them won’t be touched. Eventually, you learn the type of toy your cat prefers. Mine happen to have different preferences. Finnegan prefers larger toys to kick around and wrestle with. Floof prefers the small mice and poof balls. My sister’s cat is very partial to springs.

They all have their favorites, but find what works. Cat toys can be cheap or completely free from stuff you already have in the house. They will have just as much fun with a milk carton tie, a paper bag, some crunched up wrapping paper…the possibilities are endless. Just make sure they have some stimulation. This is one of the easiest ways to have happy cats!

Meet Their Other Physical Needs
Beyond toys, cats have other necessities for stimulation and physical satisfaction. Be sure to have scratching options for your cats. This is crucial to a cat’s health and happiness, and if you don’t provide something for them to use they will choose their own spot (probably your sofa).
Make sure they have a source of drinking water. I personally love using a fountain and found that they really did tend to use it more than a stagnant bowl. The idea is that the flowing water seems more natural, clean, and enticing to them encouraging them to drink. I really like this one.
Climbing options are great if you have the space. They will also use these to scratch so it is a double whammy. There are tons of options!
Then there are the obvious needs (I would hope). Things like providing suitable shelter and a warm, safe environment. Providing comfortable sleeping areas. Again, I hope this is obvious but of course with a subpar environment to start with you won’t have happy cats. Cats are resilient but shouldn’t have to be.

Give Them Privacy
Not that my cats ever seem to want it, but its nice to provide a few spots that your cats can go undisturbed. I can’t keep my other cat away, but I can designate an area that my cat knows is “off limits” for me and I will not bother him. Again, mine are extremely clingy and don’t ever really want to be away from me, but it’s a nice option.
Let Them Outside
Alright, this is a hot topic and a controversial debate. But you will never convince me any creature on this planet isn’t meant to breathe fresh air and feel the sunshine on their bodies. Some owners say it’s cruel and dangerous to let your cat out, I say the opposite. Trapping a living creature in four walls for its entire life is cruel to me. I can easily see how outdoor access makes for happy cats. Yes, there are potential dangers of being outside, but there are for us too. Life is always a risk vs benefit scenario.
Anyway, growing up I had cats that were always completely free roaming. We lived in the middle of nowhere. However, with my cats now I have them within an enclosed fenced area. We also bring them in at night and they sleep inside. I personally feel it’s the perfect balance of safety and freedom. I also think it brings them unmeasured happiness to be outside, rolling in the sun, chasing bugs, watching squirrels through the fence, and running in the grass.

Not everyone has the means to let their cat out if they are in a high rise apartment or something similar. In that case, try to give them at least a seat by a screened window.
Give Them Love
Just as important as everything above, take time to love and cuddle your cat! It is important to take time to bond. Especially if you are gone all day, your cat will appreciate some time together at night whether it be a little play time or cuddle time or both. Don’t assume because it’s a cat it doesn’t need affection. Cats can be just as attached and bonded as dogs are.
I hope you enjoyed some of my tips on how to have happy cats! Let me know any ideas of your own that I missed in the comments.