Carnivore Diet – Day 1

Here we go! I start my first day of the Carnivore Diet with eggs and bacon and coffee. For lunch, I brought butter chunks and some ground beef. Had a little cheese later. Over all feel pretty good. Really want a nice glass of Jameson, but I don’t do it. I have some kombucha instead. Cravings aren’t too bad and my bloating is down day one. Also have noticed no gas.

Guess I Should Add My Disclaimer…I’m no doctor or expert. I’m not saying you should listen to any of my advice. I’m also not saying you should ask your doctor, because I think the large majority of them want to do nothing but slap a pill on your symptoms. However, I do urge you to use that noggin’ of yours and make up your own mind on whether you want to talk to a doctor or do your own research or whatever. Lawyers come at me.

Day 2

More eggs and bacon. Lunch today was steak and butter. I am trying to really load on the butter. Eating a lot of fat is a big part of this diet. My cravings are surprisingly still pretty okay and I feel really clear headed and un-inflated (not bloated and gassy) overall. Feeling like the Carnivore Diet is going pretty well! Also noticing that I’m not very hungry at all and not experiencing those crashes I normally get in the afternoon or after meals.

Day 3

Since things are going well, I think I’m going to get stricter on the Carnivore Diet and try to get better success. So once I finish the various other types of meat I have in the house, and I finish the last bit of cheese and couple of eggs, I’m going beef, water, and butter only! I’m keeping coffee but trying to ween off it, but no kombucha, no supplements, no flavored seltzers, no bacon, and no drinking -after I finish the bit of wine in the fridge. Today I felt good, but cravings are increasing some. I’m not getting any sign of what they call Keto Flu which is good. Feel slightly more bloated today though. Anyway, I wrapped up the night with said wine, and then figured I might as well have a splash of Jamo since I already did the damage!

Day 4

This is pretty much the last day of finishing up those “naughty list” items. So today I had weak coffee, eggs, bacon, sausage, a hot dog, butter, and cheese. Bloating about the same, feeling pretty good, and cravings are reasonable. Not very hungry at all. It’s Friday night and I can’t resist – I have a very small pour or whiskey.

Day 5

I’m all in now. Breakfast is beef and butter. But breakfast is really lunch because I don’t even want any food. I am starting to feel not so great. I’m getting really sad focusing on my deprivation. Turns out the Carnivore Diet is a lot of meat. My weekend is usually full of adult beverages and going out. I’m trying to focus on the end goal of healing. None of this is forever, but it’s really tough. More steak for dinner. Beef smell is starting to make me nauseous. I keep just eating butter for calories instead of eating more meat.

Day 6

I made some broth so I had that for lunch after my coffee. I am finding that I’m doing intermittent fasting unintentionally for about 16 hours, but I guess that’s a good thing? My cravings are a bit better again, but I’m getting increasingly bloated with some stomach pain. I haven’t had a bowl movement in a couple days which I don’t think is good when your body is detoxing (want to get that stuff out!). I’m wondering if my protein is too high, but I doubt it because I’m not really eating that much meat, even though it’s the only thing I’m eating.

Day 7

Coffee, broth, a teaspoon of ghee. Decided to have a little kombucha. Cravings are better, and my mood overall is pretty good again. However, still very constipated and I’m starting to get back pain. I’m panicking that I’m damaging my kidneys either from being in ketosis (if I am) or protein overload, or toxin overload. Having second thoughts on sticking with this.

Check out week 2!